ID Discs & Reagents

Notice of Discontinuation of Product

Following identification discs, reagents and special potency discs will no longer be stocked for sale. We apologize for the inconvenience. Anaerobe Systems continues to focus on our high-quality routine, specialized and custom pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS) media for the transport, cultivation, and identification of anaerobic bacteria.

  • AS-702 SPS lD discs
  • AS-703 Nitrate discs
  • AS-704 Nitrate Reagents A & B
  • AS-709 Zinc Dust
  • AS-705 Colistin Differential discs, 10 ug
  • A5-706 Kanamycin Differential discs, 1 mg
  • AS-707 Vancomycin Differential discs, 5 ug

The following sources may be helpful as an alternate supplier:

Fisher Scientific

  • Remel SPS disc
  • Remel Anaerobic Nitrate Reagents A & B, discs
  • Remel Colistin 10 ug discs
  • Remel Kanamycin 1000 ug discs
  • Remel Vancomycin disks, 5 ug

Mast Group Ltd, UK Customer Services

  • SPS lD discs
  • Nitrate discs
  • Colistin 10ug discs
  • Kanamycin 1000 ug discs
  • Vancomycin 5 ug discs

ID Discs & Reagents that remain in stock may be purchased. Once out of stock, Anaerobe Systems will no longer sell these items. Please refer to CLSI Standard M56-A: Principles and Procedures for Detection of Anaerobes in Clinical Specimens for more information on spot ID tests.

Product Description Catalog Number Size Price Product Insert SDS
Ferric Ammonium Citrate Solution (1%) 30 mL AS-713 1 bottle $16.00 Ferric Ammonium SDS
Hydrogen Peroxide (15%), 30 mL AS-708 1 bottle $36.00 Hydrogen Peroxide InsertHydrogen Peroxide SDS
Indole Reagent, 30 mL AS-701 1 bottle $10.00 Indole Reagent InsertIndole Reagent SDS
We sell direct to the customer! To order, please call, fax, or email your order to Anaerobe Systems at:
Phone: 800-443-3108   |   Fax: 408-762-7990  |  Email:

For ordering information, minimum orders, and quantity discounts please click here