Plated Media

Anaerobe Systems’ plated agar packs are poured and packaged under anaerobic conditions (PRAS media). Our unique process prevents oxygen contamination or damage to the culture media during the manufacturing process. Anaerobe Systems agar plates are pre-reduced and ready to use out of the package, without the need to leave them in an anaerobic environment for extended periods before inoculation.

We can make custom media formulations, for more information click here.

Stock items ship within 3 days of order via 2nd day air.
Non-stock items ship 2-4 weeks from receipt of order.
Non-stock items are subject to a minimum order of 100 plates*.

*minimum order requirement waived when non-stock items available in inventory

Quantity Discounts (per item):
Stock Items:
200 packs = 10% discount  /    300 packs = 15% discount  /  500 packs = 20% discount

Non-Stock Items:
4 Plates/Pkg:  100 packs = 10%  /  150 packs = 15%  /  300 packs = 20%

Product Description Catalog Number Availability Minimum Order Plates/Pack Price/Pack
Brucella Blood Agar - BRUAS-111 Stock n/a 1 $3.00
Laked Brucella Blood Agar w/ Kanamycin and Vancomycin - LKVAS-112 Stock n/a 1 $3.00
Phenylethyl Alcohol Blood Agar - PEAAS-113 Stock n/a 1 $3.00
Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar - BBEAS-114 Stock n/a 1 $3.00
Brucella Blood Agar - BRUAS-141 Stock n/a 4 $10.50
Laked Brucella Blood Agar w/ Kanamycin and Vancomycin - LKVAS-142 Stock n/a 4 $10.50
Phenylethyl Alcohol Blood Agar - PEAAS-143 Stock n/a 4 $10.50
Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar- BBEAS-144 Stock n/a 4 $10.50
Campylobacter Agar - CAMPYAS-211 Non Stock 100 1 $3.25
Bacteroides Bile Esculin and Laked Kanamycin Vancomycin Bi-Plate - BBE/LKVAS-212 Stock n/a 1 $3.25
Cycloserine-Cefoxitin Fructose Agar - CCFAAS-213 Stock n/a 1 $4.00
Cycloserine-Cefoxitin Fructose Agar with Lysozyme - CCFALAS-2133 Non Stock 100 packs 1 $6.25
Cycloserine-Cefoxitin Fructose Agar with Horse Blood and Taurocholate - CCFA-HTAS-2136 Stock n/a 1 $5.00
Chocolate Agar - CHOCAS-214 Non Stock 100 packs 1 $5.00
Botulism Selective Media - BSMAS-223 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $30.00
Tryptic Soy Agar with Tween and Lecithin, 25ml fill (TSA-TL)AS-228 Stock n/a 2 $7.50
Yeast Malt Extract Agar, 25ml Fill - YMEAAS-229 Stock n/a 2 $7.50
Bacteroides Bile Esculin and Laked Kanamycin Vancomycin Bi-Plate - BBE/LKVAS-242 Stock n/a 4 $11.00
Chocolate Agar - CHOCAS-244 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $19.00
Egg Yolk Agar - EYAAS-511 Stock n/a 1 $3.50
Tryptic Soy Blood Agar - TSBAAS-542 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $13.75
Mitis-Salivarius Agar with Tellurite - MSATAS-544 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $17.50
Enriched Tryptic Soy Agar - ETSAAS-548 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $15.00
Reinforced Clostridial Agar - RCAAS-6061 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $17.50
Brucella Blood Agar - BRU - 150mm plateAS-614 Stock n/a 1 $5.50
Tryptic Soy Agar with N-Acetylmuramic Acid - TSA-NAMAS-6421 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $13.75
Porphyromonas gingivalis Agar - P. GINGAS-6422 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $16.00
Bifidobacterium Selective Agar - BIFIDOAS-6423 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $13.75
Brain Heart Infusion Agar - BHIAS-6426 Stock n/a 4 $12.00
Fusobacterium Selective Agar - FSAAS-6427 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $15.00
Lactobacilli-MRS Agar - LMRSAS-6429 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $15.00
Oral H2S Organism Agar w/ Lead Acetate - OHO-CAS-6430 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $15.00
Clindamycin Blood Agar - CBAAS-645 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $16.00
CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar - CABA or CDCAS-646 Stock n/a 4 $12.00
Brain Heart Infusion Agar w/ Horse Blood & Taurocholate - BHIY-HTAS-6463 Stock n/a 4 $16.00
Crystal Violet-Erythromycin Agar - CVEAS-647 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $13.75
Tryptic Soy-Serum-Bacitracin-Vancomycin Agar - TSBVAS-648 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $16.00
Yeast Casitone Fatty Acids Agar with Carbohydrates - YCFACAS-675 Stock n/a 4 $20.00
Yeast Casitone Fatty Acids Agar with Carbohydrates and Sheep Blood - YCFAC-BAS-677 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $20.00
MTGE Anaerobic Enrichment Agar - MTGEAS-777 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $17.00
Columbia Blood Agar - CAAS-895 Non Stock 25 packs 4 $15.00
We sell direct to the customer! To order, please call, fax, or email your order to Anaerobe Systems at:
Phone: 800-443-3108   |   Fax: 408-762-7990  |  Email:

For ordering information, minimum orders, and quantity discounts please click here