Columbia Blood Agar – CA

Columbia Blood Agar – CA

CA is an enriched non-selective media. It is supplemented with vitamin K1 and hemin to facilitate the recovery of fastidious anaerobic bacteria. Sheep blood is added for the observation of hemolytic reactions as seen by the double zone β‑hemolysis of Clostridium perfringens, and for growth factors required by some fastidious microorganisms. This media is prepared, stored, and dispensed under oxygen-free conditions to prevent the formation of oxidized products prior to use.

CA Agar Plate

B. fragilis (ATCC 25285) Growing On CA Agar Plate

4 plates per package

Catalog #
AS-895 Columbia Blood Agar (CA) 4 plates

Non-stock item: 25 pack minimum order, allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.

CA Product InsertCA SDS

Product Description & Summary

CA is an enriched non-selective media. It is supplemented with vitamin K1 and hemin to facilitate the recovery of fastidious anaerobic bacteria. Sheep blood is added for the observation of hemolytic reactions as seen by the double zone β‑hemolysis of Clostridium perfringens, and for growth factors required by some fastidious microorganisms. This media is prepared, stored, and dispensed under oxygen-free conditions to prevent the formation of oxidized products prior to use.

Interpretation of Results & Limitations

CA supports good growth of a variety of microorganisms found in clinical infections. In addition, this media should support typical pigment production by Prevotella melaninogenica and typical double zone of β-hemolysis around colonies of Clostridium perfringens.

will not provide complete information for identification of bacterial isolates. Additional test procedures and media are required for complete identification. In some cases, CA may be overgrown with swarming Proteus spp. or Clostridium spp. It is recommended that selective media such as Anaerobic Brucella Laked Blood Agar with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (LKV, catalog #: AS-112) and/or Anaerobic Brucella Blood Agar with Phenylethyl Alcohol (PEA, catalog # AS-113) also be inoculated from clinical specimens to prevent such overgrowth and thus provide isolated colonies. Consult reference materials for additional information.

Quality Control

The following organisms are routinely used for quality assurance performance testing at Anaerobe Systems.

Organism Tested ATCC # Results Time Special Reaction
Bacteroides fragilis * 25285 Growth 24 hrs
Prevotella melaninogenica* 25845 Growth 48 hrs Pigment t
Fusobacterium necrophorum 25286 Variable 48 hrs
Fusobacterium nucleatum * 25586 Growth 24 hrs
Clostridium perfringens * 13124 Growth 24 hrs Double Zone of β-hemolysis
Peptostreptococcus anaerobius * 27337 Growth 24 hrs
Staphylococcus aureus or    Enterococcus faecalis 25923     29212 Growth 24 hrs
Escherichia coli 25922 Growth 24 hrs
Proteus mirabilis 12453 Growth 24 hrs
Propionibacterium acnes or Clostridium difficile 6919      9689 Growth 24 – 48 hrs

24 hrs

* Organisms specified by CLSI for Quality Control testing of Anaerobic Blood Agars.
t Pigment production may require more than 48 hours incubation

Product Storage & Shelf Life

Storage: Upon receipt, store at room temperature in original package until used. Avoid overheating or freezing. Do not use media if there are signs of deterioration (shrinking, cracking, or discoloration due to oxidation of media) or contamination. The expiration date applies to the product in its original packaging and stored as directed. Do not use product past the expiration date shown on the label.

Shelf Life: 90 days from date of manufacture.